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Russia-Ukraine War Foreign Minister Calls Russia "Resilient" After Uprising

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Russia-Ukraine War Foreign Minister Calls Russia “Resilient” After Uprising

Russia-Ukraine War Foreign Minister Calls Russia “Resilient” After Uprising

The following is a rundown of the most recent events.
The mercenary uprising that rattled Russia was only “a minor trouble,” the country’s foreign minister said on Friday. He warned the West not to imagine that President Vladimir V. Putin’s hold on power had diminished, even as the Kremlin continued to act against the leader of the mutiny. The foreign minister’s comments came as the Kremlin continued to move against the leader of the mutiny.

Foreign Minister Sergey V. Lavrov stated during a news conference that Russia will emerge “stronger and more resilient” as a result of the short-lived putsch that occurred the previous Friday and Saturday by Yevgeny V. Prigozhin and his Wagner group warriors, who have been instrumental in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Lavrov was speaking in reference to the fact that the putsch lasted only two days. Mr. Lavrov downplayed the significance of the uprising, despite the fact that it brought an armoured column to within 200 kilometres (125 miles) of Moscow before it turned around.

“If someone in the West has doubts about this, then that’s their problem,” he said. “That’s their problem.” In addition, he stated that the nations of the West who support Ukraine were operating under the false assumption that “the facade of the Russian government had cracked.” He emphasized that such beliefs were misguided and that Russia remained strong and united, dismissing any notion of vulnerability. He further asserted that the West’s actions were driven by their own interests and agendas, rather than a genuine concern for Ukraine’s well-being.

Uncertainty persisted on what would become of Mr. Prigozhin and his former colleague and ally in the military, General Sergei Surovikin. Since the two men have not been seen or heard from in public since the weekend before last, it is unknown where they are currently located. On Tuesday, the government of Belarus, which is Mr. Putin’s closest international ally, announced that Mr. Prigozhin had gone into exile in their country. However, this claim has not been independently verified as of yet.

Other recent events include the following:

According to the United States, Yevgeny V. Prigozhin, the founder of the Wagner mercenary firm, was responsible for orchestrating the withdrawal of a United Nations peacekeeping force from Mali. Mali has been one of Wagner’s most prominent clients. There have been thousands of United Nations forces stationed in Mali for almost a decade now in an effort to help stabilise the country, but the mission has had a varied level of success. The United Nations pulled out of the operation on Friday.

It is now unknown what will become of Mr. Prigozhin’s media empire in light of reports that he has been exiled in Belarus. Even though Russia agreed to drop criminal charges against the mercenary leader, Russia’s internet regulator has blocked access to the Prigozhin-owned news service RIA FAN in addition to many other websites associated to Mr. Prigozhin.

According to the Ukrainian military, they carried out a “successful” strike on the city of Berdiansk, which is currently held by the Russian military in southern Ukraine. Earlier, there were reports of explosions in the city, and a Russian official who had been put there stated that a Ukrainian attack had been defeated.

Poland has announced that it has detained a professional athlete who is suspected of spying for the Russian government. This detention is part of Poland’s dismantling of what the authorities believe was a Russian spy ring that attempted to damage weaponry supplies to Ukraine. Poland’s officials say that the spy ring was led by a professional athlete.

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